Morita Chipotle Vodka (700ml)
Morita Chipotle Vodka (700ml)
For those who are looking for a change from the traditionally tequila-based Margarita. Morita Chipotle Vodka is distilled with a blend of Australian limes, Mexican Chipotles and Agave Syrup. The resulting liquid is a beautifully complex and savoury spirit with a slight spice and a rich, smoky aroma.
It is against the law to sell or supply alcohol to, or obtain alcohol for, anyone under 18.
PLEASE NOTE: Orders that include alcoholic products require photo ID and signature upon drop-off.
Free delivery for orders over $75. For orders under $75, standard delivery is $9.90.
All orders are dispatched and shipped from Sydney within 3 business days of being received. Once dispatched, orders will usually arrive within 3-6 business days. Please allow an extra 6 days for WA deliveries.
I'm a die-hard Tequila fan, but every now and then, I crave a little adventure. Enter Morita—the peace treaty of spirits! My vodka-loving friend (a sworn enemy of Tequila) came over, and guess what? No shots fired...only taken. Morita kept us both sipping happily, and neither of us felt like we were settling. It's the ultimate crowd-pleaser—vodka vibes with just enough edge to keep my Tequila-loving heart content! I had a sample of the Morita Margarita with Listo at a bottle store and it was SO DAMN GOOD!